Herd Quitter™ Blog
Talk is Cheap
This time of year, I glance through hundreds of catalogs and advertisements for bull sales. With very few exceptions, everyone is essentially offering the same product. It is extremely rare to find anyone with a program or a product that...
The Latest HOT Topic
I just thumbed through the latest DROVERS magazine. It seems that the latest hot topic within the status quo beef industry is parasite control – with an emphasis on deworming. There was one article on deworming and many advertisements for drugs and chemicals that...
Complexity Bias
Several weeks ago, someone in the PCC Discussion Group shared an article on Complexity Bias. It was difficult to read – but I found it very interesting. The following is a quote from the article. “Faced with two competing hypotheses, we are likely to choose the most...
Aleutian Cattle
Who Owns The Future?
It is becoming more and more obvious the future belongs to those who are able to successfully transition to a low-input (high-profit) program with efficient, low-maintenance cows. It belongs to those who are taking the Ten-Step approach to Profita-BULL, Enjoya-BULL...
The Next Generation
Every generation plays an important part in the success or failure of the family business. The decisions you make (or don’t make) could have a profound effect on the future of your family. As manager of your family farm or ranch, it is your job to make decisions...
Special Attraction
Our Missouri Bull Sale will feature a special attraction in the form of a top-sort Red Angus bull. This bull has a very unique two-color birthmark. We have never seen a multi-color birthmark – and we have never seen one with such a distinct shape. This bull is...
Old is When…
Your sweetie says, “Let's go upstairs and make love,” and you answer, “Pick one; I can't do both!” Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot. A sexy babe catches your fancy and your pacemaker opens the garage door. Going braless pulls...
More Market Thoughts
Although cattle prices have been on the rise the last three or four months, we must remain vigilant. I believe there continues to be a tremendous amount of volatility in our markets. It won’t take much to send prices higher or lower. Unfortunately, the odds of...
The Market Trend
Cattle prices have been on the rise for quite some time. Below is a 60-Day Market Trendline created by The Cattle Range for the week ending February 17, 2018. This provides a quick overview of our markets and where they might be headed. The angle indicates...