Herd Quitter™ Blog
The New Frontier
The status quo beef industry is a result of a time when land was unbelievably cheap – at least by today’s standards. It is also a result of cheap feed and cheap fuel. Gasoline could be purchased for only 25 cents per gallon in the early 1970s. Labor was cheap – and...
More Than A Catalog
We have four boxes of sale catalogs at PCC Headquarters. In addition to cataloging 400 grass-developed Solar Bulls for our two fall bull sales, this catalog contains over 10 pages of common-sense information that you won’t find anywhere else. If you are interested...
Earl Cartoon
Does Justification Make It Right?
I continue to get emails and phone calls from ranchers who do their best to justify what they are doing. The fact that they call me makes me think they are beginning to question some of the things they have been doing. They tell me why they have big,...
We Believe…
We believe the future looks very bright for those who are willing to change with the times. People who have an open mind will continue to learn. Consequently, they will find it easy to make the necessary changes. In contrast, those who refuse to think or to look...
Fake Meat
The hottest topic within the beef industry is fake meat and meat alternatives. I am definitely not an expert on this subject – but I would like to share a few thoughts. I guarantee this will be totally different from everything else you have heard or read about fake...
Fertility… the Most Important Economic Trait
Cow-calf producers who make a living from their cows know fertility is by far the most important economic trait. University studies have shown reproductive traits are twice as important as growth traits, which are twice as important as carcass traits. Ironically, the...
PCC’s Grass-Fed Alliance
As you know, PCC recently formed an alliance with Tyson Foods and Cactus Feeders to produce a high-quality, grass-finished beef product. This product will be All Natural. It will compete with imported grass-fed beef. There is a difference between grass-fed and...
Dare to be Different
No matter what the business is, very few people will ever have a competitive advantage. Why is that? The reason very few people will ever have a competitive advantage is because nearly everyone is essentially doing the same thing everyone else in their business is...
Feeding Hay More Efficiently
I was thumbing through a status quo beef publication earlier this week when I saw an article entitled “Feeding Hay More Efficiently.” The article was promoting the use of some very expensive bale processors. I immediately thought of a favorite Peter Drucker quote...