Herd Quitter™ Blog
Tremendous Response
I received a tremendous amount of response to last week’s PCC Update. This included an inordinate number of unsubscribers. To be honest, I expected to receive a tremendous response. Our Cowboy Logic said, “You’re not old until your dreams are replaced by...
Consider the Future
Have you noticed that the most successful and happy people throughout history have been those who made decisions that were based on the future? It’s true! Successful people know that nothing stays the same. The present is different from the past – and the future...
Where Else?
We hope you are making plans to attend and/or participate in our Colorado Bull Sale... Where else can you purchase coming-two-year-old bulls that have been developed on native grass? Where else can you find bulls that were produced by efficient, easy-fleshing,...
Three Keys to Financial Success
Status quo cow-calf producers are getting by – but most would not consider themselves to be financially successful. Truth be known, in a ten-year period, status quo producers are doing very well just to break even. Well over half of them won’t break even. In a...
The Three Cs
Circumstances are where you are right now. You had no control over some of your circumstances. Circumstances of your birth and childhood, for example, are not the result of any choices you made. Other circumstances, however, are the consequence of choices you have...
The Total Program
Pharo Cattle Company does much more than sell bulls. We provide a program and a way of thinking that are focused on helping you make your business as profitable, enjoyable and sustainable as possible. Our ultra-low-maintenance bulls are just one part of this...
Create Your Future
We believe… people have the ability to create their own future. Yes, we know many things are totally out of our control – but we also know many things are within our control. The key is to focus on the things we have control of – and take action. Make things...
Willingness to Change
Whether you want to believe it or not, your long-term success in the cow-calf business will be dependent on your willingness to make some changes. Cattle prices will continue to go up and down – while the cost of inputs will continue to go up. In the last 50 years,...
Reaching Your Destination
Kim Barker, a longtime PCC customer in Oklahoma, shared the following C.S. Lewis quote with me. This is a powerful quote. It has application for everyone I know – including me. “Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. And if you have taken a...
Grazing Through the Snow
These bulls are being developed on grass in northern Nebraska, in preparation for our Nebraska Bull Sale on October 27th. Notice the snow on their noses. This indicates they were grazing through four to five inches of snow. Notice the condition these bulls carry. ...