Forage-Developed Bulls

Forage-Developed Bulls

More and more seedstock producers are promoting “forage-developed” bulls.   We have checked into all of these so-called “forage” programs and have concluded that no one has a program that is as tough as PCC’s program.   Several of these forage programs feed large...
Forage-Developed Bulls

More Drought Thoughts

As expected and as shown in the latest Drought Monitor Map, the northern-plains drought is increasing in intensity and size.   From what I have read and heard, many of the drought-stricken cow-calf producers have procrastinated to the point that they are behind the...
Forage-Developed Bulls

Fly Control

The hottest topic within the beef industry right now is fly control.   When confronted with a problem, most producers are quick to spend an inordinate amount of time, energy and money treating the symptoms – while they totally ignore the problem.   Folks, if we never...
Forage-Developed Bulls

Things Are Looking Up (part 2)

Some of the thoughts I shared last week raised a few questions, so I decided to expand this discussion.   Since we have not seen a true bottom to a cattle cycle since 1996, many have forgotten how the cattle cycle works.   For the most part, the cattle cycle is based...
Forage-Developed Bulls

Pharo Phamily Reunion

Last week, I shared a picture of the 24 people who participated in the 2017 Pharo Phamily Reunion.   I then asked if you could pick out and identify the four siblings (Kit, Brett, Kathy and Jen).   We did receive some response to this question....
Forage-Developed Bulls

Increasing Cost of Production

According to the Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC), the cost of producing a calf has increased from $384 in 2000 to $883 in 2014.   WOW… it way more than doubled in just 14 years.   Keep in mind, though, that this is an average cost of production.   Some...