by Robert Pulliam | Nov 29, 2022 | Herd Quitter™ Minute
We are bombarded daily with thousands of ads telling us that NOW is the best time to buy. However, if market trends continue in the cattle business, NOW probably is the best time to buy your seed stock for next...
by Robert Pulliam | Nov 22, 2022 | Herd Quitter™ Minute
Pharo Cattle Company™ has a reputation for dominating the grass-fed genetics market. That’s because for 35 years, Kit Pharo has been selecting for cattle that can prosper on grass, without expensive supplements. PCC™ bulls have thickness and muscling that is...
by Robert Pulliam | Nov 15, 2022 | Herd Quitter™ Minute
PCC™ has Calving Ease! But it is much more than producing a low birthweight calf. The skeletal structure of the cow plays an important role. Pelvic slope is a noticeable attribute in calving ease cattle. You can’t help but see it once you know what to look...
by Robert Pulliam | Nov 8, 2022 | Herd Quitter™ Minute
The PCC Crew is busy with the fall bull sale season. One down, three to go! We do what we do to help make your operation more profitable, and more...
by Robert Pulliam | Nov 1, 2022 | Herd Quitter™ Minute
PCC bull sales consistently average $5-6,000 per head. That’s more than some potential customers want to spend. However, not every bull in the sale costs that much. There will be plenty of opportunities to purchase a bull for less than that at our fall bull...
by Robert Pulliam | Oct 25, 2022 | Herd Quitter™ Minute
For years, Kit Pharo has made the claim that “”Smaller cows equal bigger profit.”” As a result, many people have the misconception that our cattle are small. It may surprise you that a 3-4 frame cow that weighs 1200-1300 pounds is not small....