#84 – Best Time To Buy

#83 – Bred In, Not Fed In

Pharo Cattle Company™ has a reputation for dominating the grass-fed genetics market. That’s because for 35 years, Kit Pharo has been selecting for cattle that can prosper on grass, without expensive supplements. PCC™ bulls have thickness and muscling that is...
#84 – Best Time To Buy

#82 – How to Spot Calving Ease

PCC™ has Calving Ease! But it is much more than producing a low birthweight calf. The skeletal structure of the cow plays an important role. Pelvic slope is a noticeable attribute in calving ease cattle. You can’t help but see it once you know what to look...
#84 – Best Time To Buy

#79 – Are PCC™ Cattle Small

For years, Kit Pharo has made the claim that “”Smaller cows equal bigger profit.”” As a result, many people have the misconception that our cattle are small. It may surprise you that a 3-4 frame cow that weighs 1200-1300 pounds is not small....