What Our Customers Say

What Our Customers Say

Early this year I had the pleasure of calling on folks who have purchased cattle from PCC in the past 12 months. Like others in the company who placed customer calls, I was looking for feedback – looking to find out if we are serving our customers to their...
What Our Customers Say

PCC Ranch Tour

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of giving a PCC Ranch Tour to four people from Australia. Two came in from the south, and two came in from the north. We planned it so everyone would arrive at the same time – which allowed me to maximize the amount of time I could spend...
What Our Customers Say

Grain Fattening Bulls Lowers Fertility

Grain-fattened bulls may top the sale but they are worth far less for breeding purposes than bulls raised on all-forage diets, according to a Canadian study. In a study at the Lethbridge Research Centre, bulls that were grown from weaning to maturity on 100% forage...