Random Thoughts from the Corner Chair

Does the World Need What We Produce?

To stimulate some outside-the-box thinking, I often ask cow-calf producers who attend my speaking engagements to raise their hand if they think the world needs the beef they produce.   Nearly all of the producers will raise their hand. Folks, don’t ever be deceived...
Random Thoughts from the Corner Chair

Thin Steaks

I recently read an article in the Washington Post entitled “Cattle Have Gotten So Big Restaurants and Grocery Stores Need New Ways to Cut Steaks.”   Let me remind you, the Washington Post is NOT a beef industry publication.   However, it is read by thousands and...
Random Thoughts from the Corner Chair

Ten Steps To Double Your Profits

If cow-calf producers want to have a prosperous future, they will need to make some major changes.   The sooner they take the first step, the sooner they will reach their destination.   I will review 10 steps required to get on the right road.   These steps are not...
Random Thoughts from the Corner Chair

Top Ten Reason Ranch Trucks are Never Stolen

10. They only have a range of 20 miles before they break down or run out of gas. 9.   Only the owner knows how to operate the door. 8.   It is difficult to drive fast with all the fence tools, grease rags, ropes, chains, syringes, buckets, boots, hay, and loose papers...