Worth the Wait

Worth the Wait

Our Spring Bull Sales will be among the last bull sales of the season – but we think they will be well worth the wait.   Where else can you find bulls that were produced by efficient, easy-fleshing, moderate-sized cows that have never been pampered?   Where else can...
Worth the Wait

PCC Star Ratings

In addition to EPDs, weights, ratios and ultrasound data, Pharo Cattle Company provides star ratings for the following traits on our sale bulls.   A 5-star rating is the best – with 3-star being about average.  Disposition Calving Ease Cow Longevity Udder Conformation...
Worth the Wait

The Ten Cannots

By William J. H. Boetcker (1873 – 1962) You cannot bring prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You...
Worth the Wait

In The Beginning…

In the beginning, God created the cow to eat the grass and other forages that man was not able to eat or digest. I’m sure God’s original cow was very efficient at converting low quality forages into milk and meat. Because of her unique four-stomach digestive system,...
Worth the Wait

Make Things Happen

Most people don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because they never keep them.   They view them as a waste of time.   On top of that, it is discouraging and depressing when they realize they failed to keep the resolutions they made.   However, some people have a very...