Two Down and One to Go

Two Down and One to Go

Our 6th Annual Missouri Bull Sale is behind us.   The pre-sale meeting with Peter Ballerstedt had 80 people from at least 10 different states in attendance.   We served lunch to 265 people.   We had 119 registered bidders at the sale – from 16 different states.  ...
Two Down and One to Go

One Down and Two to Go –

Our Texas Bull Sale is behind us.   The pre-sale meeting with Peter Bierstadt had 40 cow-calf producers from at least four different states and Mexico in attendance.   Peter’s presentation was very well received.   It generated many questions.   We had 51 registered...
Two Down and One to Go

Talk is Cheap

This time of year, I glance through hundreds of catalogs and advertisements for bull sales.   With very few exceptions, everyone is essentially offering the same product.   It is extremely rare to find anyone with a program or a product that...
Two Down and One to Go

The Latest HOT Topic

I just thumbed through the latest DROVERS magazine.   It seems that the latest hot topic within the status quo beef industry is parasite control – with an emphasis on deworming.   There was one article on deworming and many advertisements for drugs and chemicals that...
Two Down and One to Go

Complexity Bias

Several weeks ago, someone in the PCC Discussion Group shared an article on Complexity Bias. It was difficult to read – but I found it very interesting. The following is a quote from the article. “Faced with two competing hypotheses, we are likely to choose the most...