Why Don’t All Seedstock Producers…

Why Don’t All Seedstock Producers…

• Treat their cows tougher than you treat your cows? • Refuse to make an excuse for a cow, or give a her a second chance? • Develop bulls on forage — with nothing but starch-free supplements? • Evaluate and score bulls for disposition? • Evaluate and score bulls for...
Why Don’t All Seedstock Producers…

Momma’s Boy

If you want to produce the right kind of replacement females, you need to be using bulls that were produced by the right kind of momma cows.    Weights, ratios and EPDs serve a purpose, but they don’t tell the whole story. Although most ranchers tell me they want to...
Why Don’t All Seedstock Producers…

Being Average

While thumbing through a status quo beef publication, I came across an article about “average producers.”   The leadoff sentence said, “Being average in the cow-calf business means you are probably just breaking even.”   That got my attention, so I read on. When you...
Why Don’t All Seedstock Producers…

The Power of Persistence

With the coming of the New Year, it is traditional to look back at what happened, good or bad, in the world around us.   For the cattle industry, one definite change I have seen in the last year is that “cow size” is mentioned more and more and finally given its...