#61 – Jordan Meyer – Dairy, Beef Cows, Stocker, Hogs, Goats, & More

#60 – Kit Pharo – Q&A

Podcast Episode #60 Episode #60 On this week’s episode we take questions from listeners and ask them to Kit Pharo. A few of the questions he answers are: – If you were starting from scratch today, what would you do?- Why don’t more producers use...
#61 – Jordan Meyer – Dairy, Beef Cows, Stocker, Hogs, Goats, & More

#59 – Jim Gerrish – Best Place to Ranch

Podcast Episode #59 Episode #59 In a recent PCC discussion group there was a conversation around where is the ideal location to run cow/calf pairs in the United States. Overall, every area has advantages and disadvantages, but Jim Gerrish who has a unique perspective...
#61 – Jordan Meyer – Dairy, Beef Cows, Stocker, Hogs, Goats, & More

#57 – Brian Alexander – The Red Hills Rancher

Podcast Episode #57 Episode #57 Brian Alexander, also known as the Red Hills Rancher on social media joins me to discuss his history in ranching and his ranch in the Red Hills of South Central Kansas. We talk about fire, grazing management, succession planning and...