I have forage available for custom grazing in Northern New Mexico, 30 minutes North of Las Vegas. We have a total of 5,400 acres and approximately 43,000 animal days of forage available. The pasture is predominantly blue gramma grass, western wheat, side oats gramma, and New Mexico feather grass. The pastures have good water infrastructure that is dispersed throughout the pasture.
I am looking to arrange a winter grazing opportunity for someone’s replacement heifers or steers. We can accommodate between 300 and 700 head, depending on the length of the grazing period (we are flexible).
We charge $1.07 per head per day, based on a base weight of 500 lbs. For every additional 100 lbs over the base weight, there will be a $0.02 increase in the daily rate. For example, an 800 lb heifer would cost $1.13 per head per day.
If you are interested, please feel free to reach out for more details or to request an example of our grazing contract.