Podcast Episode #136
Episode #136
I get questions from folks quite often via email or social media. I appreciate people reaching out and over the years a few questions have come up multiple times that I thought might be nice to address via the podcast. I’m happy to share more in depth on any one topic or address some of the others. Respond to the poll on the podcast or reach out to let me know if you enjoy these Q&A formats.
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Pharo Cattle Company™ is a proud sponsor of the Ranching Returns Podcast.
I listen to your podcast. I am a dairyman that is following the herd quitter philosophy in dairy, with ProCROSS cattle. I have some interest in your bred cows that are for sale. Please send me the information that you have on them. Thanks
I’ve had quite a bit of interest. I’m not sure how many will be available, but feel free to email me at herdquitterpodcast@gmail.com and we can discuss.
Thanks so much!
I enjoy the Q&A format alot. If two people ask the same question it’s worth responding that way, many more probably would ask but are reluctant to take up your time .
Are you still looking into leasing the ranch you talked about?
I appreciate your thoughts, and to your point about people being reluctant to take my time, I may not always be the quickest to respond but I always welcome comments and thoughts!
Also, I’m not exactly sure which lease you’re referring to but I’m definitely always open to opportunities!