Podcast Episode #102

Episode #102

Dave Pratt is past owner of Ranching for Profit and author of my favorite book “The Turnaround: A Ranchers Story”. In this weeks podcast he gives us a summary on the RFP definition of true profitability in business and then discusses retirement and succession planning from the perspective of both a young individual working into a farm as well as the exiting generation. The topic of succession is vitally important to the ability of a ranch business to pass from one generation to the next and Dave shares many of the secrets for you to get started working on this in your own businesses.

For more information, check us out at RanchingReturns.com. You can also check out PharoCattle.com for more information on how to put more fun and profit back into your ranching business!

Pharo Cattle Company™ is a proud sponsor of the Ranching Returns Podcast.

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