Podcast Episode #90
Episode #90
Mark and Sara Hewitt from Minnesota joined me in this episode to share their story of taking the bold step of leaving the family farm where they were constantly met with opposition and no promises of transition or change to start a farm of their own! They talk about the decision to leave the family farm, their focus on minimal debt and managing their business as well as the many enterprises they juggle while both working off farm jobs and managing a family with 2 kids. So much to learn from them in this episode.
Resources Mentioned:
Farm Bureau
Legacy Farmer
Minnesota Farm Business Management
Minnesota Department of Ag
For more information, check us out at RanchingReturns.com. You can also check out PharoCattle.com for more information on how to put more fun and profit back into your ranching business!
Pharo Cattle Company™ is a proud sponsor of the Ranching Returns Podcast.