Podcast Episode #27
Episode #27
This is our second conversation with Jim Howell, CEO of Grasslands LLC. Check out episode 13 of the Herd Quitter podcast to learn about Jim’s story, experience, and how he started Grasslands LLC.
Today, however, we dig in deep into three very different and unique ranching environments where he has implemented Holistic Management successfully at scale!
First in the Northern Great Plains in western South Dakota and eastern Montana, then in New Zealand, and again in south Florida. His latest venture is in the mountains of western Colorado, but we actually discussed that more in the first conversation on episode 13!
Resources Mentioned:
Grasslands LLC
For more information, check us out at RanchingReturns.com. You can also check out PharoCattle.com for more information on how to put more fun and profit back into your ranching business!
Pharo Cattle Company™ is a proud sponsor of the Ranching Returns Podcast.