Podcast Episode #8
Episode #8
Today, we talk to a rancher who is such a herd quitter, his family left the beef industry entirely and shifted to bison ranching! It’s especially interesting as some of the advantages you’ll hear him talk about with bison are the very things we are breeding for here at Pharo Cattle Company, so listen closely for some of those similarities. But Scott and his family really do demonstrate the ability to think out of the box and have built a resilient ranch business because of it.
Resources mentioned:
American Bison – Steve Runella
White Oak Pastures
Gabe Brown
National Bison Association
For more information, check us out at RanchingReturns.com. You can also check out PharoCattle.com for more information on how to put more fun and profit back into your ranching business!
Pharo Cattle Company™ is a proud sponsor of the Ranching Returns Podcast.