The Theme Song for Ghostbusters says, “If there’s somethin’ strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! If it’s somethin’ weird and it don’t look good, who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!”When you need a bull… who ya gonna call? There are hundreds of seedstock producers who would love to sell you a bull, so how do you decide where to go? Do you look for a place with pretty white fences, big buildings and busy feed trucks? Do you look for someone who places expensive four-color ads in all the beef magazines? Do you look for a producer who displays over-fat cattle at the stock show? What do you look for?
The bulls you purchase this year will have a long-term effect on your cowherd, as well as your profits. Therefore, buying a bull is an investment you should never take lightly. So, how do you decide where to go to purchase your new bull? We suggest you follow the advice given in our slogan, which says, “Buy your bulls from someone who raises cattle the way you ought to.” Why would you want to purchase bulls from a seedstock producer who overfeeds and pampers his cattle?
Here at Pharo Cattle Company, we believe we need to treat our cows tougher than most of our customers treat their cows. I guarantee you will have to look long and hard to find another seedstock producer with this philosophy. If we are not tougher on our cows than you are on your cows, we will never be able to help you improve your genetics or your profits. We have worked very diligently for over 30 years in an attempt to earn your respect, as well as your business. When you need a bull, we hope you will give us a call.
In addition to EPDs, weights, ratios and ultrasound data, we provide star ratings for the following traits on the bulls we sell. A 5-star rating is the best – with a 3-star rating being about average.
· Disposition
· Calving Ease
· Cow Longevity
· Udder Conformation
· Low Maintenance
· Fleshing Ability
· Grass Efficiency
· Thickness
· Muscling
· Masculinity
· Overall Rating
· Toe Structure
· Hoof Angle
· Presence of Preputial Prolapse
· Hair Coat
· Fly Resistance
No one else has even attempted to provide you with as much useful information as we do. To help you utilize all of this information, we created our unique Quick Sort program. In addition to taking most of the guesswork out of buying bulls, this program will save you hours of time and frustration. Once you have identified the bulls that meet your specific needs, you will be able to watch a short video clip of those bulls.
When you need a bull… we hope you will give us a call.
Call or Email to request a Sale Catalog
800-311-0995 Bulls@PharoCattle.com