When you purchase something, you always hope you will get your money’s worth. That, however, is often easier said than done, isn’t it? When purchasing bulls, cost is always a factor – but it should not be the only factor. First and foremost, you should consider the program behind the bulls. Bulls that were produced in a program that aligns with your long-term goals are worth a whole lot more than bulls coming out of a program that does not align with your long-term goals.
It’s unfortunate, but most bull programs do not align with any commercial cow-calf operations. Most bull programs are high-input operations with big, inefficient cows that require substantial pampering just to stay in production. I just heard of an extremely high-input outfit that sold over 400 highly-overfed Diesel Bulls for an average price of $15,700. Unbelieva-BULL! Why would anyone pay so much for a bull that is guaranteed to fall apart?
Another very important factor in getting your money’s worth is the number of calves a bull will sire before he must be replaced. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that a bull that sires twice as many calves as the average bull is worth twice as much as the average bull. After all, the reason you purchase bulls is to sire calves.
According to many university experts, you can only expect to get three years of use out of a high-maintenance, feedlot-developed Diesel Bull. On average, I think that is too high. Even with supplementation, most Diesel Bulls can service no more than 20 cows their first year and no more than 30 cows their second and third years – for a lifetime total of 80 calves.
It is not at all uncommon for low-maintenance PCC Solar Bulls that are developed without grain to provide at least six years of service. In most cases, we are not afraid to turn our Solar Bulls out with 30+ females their first breeding season. We expect our bulls to gain weight during their first breeding season – without being supplemented. Our mature bulls can handle 50+ cows – for a lifetime total of at least 280 calves.
In this case… the PCC Solar Bull sired 200 more calves than the status quo Diesel Bull. If the Diesel Bull cost $6000, his cost per calf would be $75. At $75 per calf, you could have paid as much as $21,000 for the PCC Solar Bull, and still be getting your money’s worth. Since PCC Solar Bulls cost about the same as Diesel Bulls, you will always get MORE THAN YOUR MONEY’S WORTH with a PCC Solar Bull.
We have testimonies from many longtime PCC customers that can put the above comparison to shame. I will share a few of them with you…
“Our first PCC bull was purchased in 2001. We spent more than planned, but have never regretted it. We used him until he was 13 years old. On a per-calf basis, he was the cheapest bull we have ever purchased.” (Paul Landrigan — Nebraska)
“I just sold my first PCC bull at age 12. He bred around 50 cows every year and always stayed in great shape.” (Dan Temaat — Kansas)
“The ability of your bulls to breed a large number of heifers in a short period of time has greatly improved my profitability.” (John Nino — California)
“I couldn’t agree with you more about PCC bulls being able to breed more cows for more years than other bulls. I put my two PCC bulls out with 60 to 70 cows each — and they did great!” (Delvin LaDuke — North Dakota)
“We used our first PCC bull for ten years — and in that time he naturally sired over 1000 calves in spring and fall-calving herds.” (Garth Lloyd — Missouri)
“Your bulls have proved themselves so well that we have been able to reduce the total number of bulls we use by 17 bulls.” (Jim Espy — Wyoming)