I came across an internet article late last week entitled, “Selecting Bulls to Meet Your Goals,” or something like that. It wasn’t worth the time it took to open the link – but it did get me to thinking. I suspect most cow-calf producers have no goals. They are just doing what everyone else is doing and/or what they have always done. If you don’t have goals, you have no direction in your life or business.
Do you have business goals? I’m not talking about ideas or dreams you think about every now and then. I’m talking about real goals. If you have real goals, you are probably one in a thousand. If you have real goals, you have a HUGE competitive advantage over everyone else in your business. If you have real goals, you are creating your own future. If you have real goals, you are also creating a future for the next generation.
A real goal must be Specific, Measurable, Attainable and Time-Sensitive.
1. Specific: Goals are no place to waffle. This is no place to be vague. Vague goals produce vague results.
2. Measurable: Always set goals that are measurable. If they are not measurable, you will never know for sure when they have been achieved. For example, don’t set a goal to “make more money.”
3. Attainable: Goals must be realistic and attainable. Most people don’t set goals – so when they do, they tend to set goals that are too big to be easily attained. This creates discouraging results.
4. Time-Sensitive: Every goal should have a timeframe attached to it. A goal must have a deadline – a time in which you want to accomplish it.
I have achieved the best results when I break my big goals down into several (or many) smaller goals that can be easily attained in a relatively short period of time. I liken my really big goals to an elephant that must be eaten. There is no way I can eat an elephant in one sitting. However, I will eventually eat the entire elephant – one bite at a time.
If you do not have any business goals, I encourage you to set some. Start out by just setting one simple goal that should be easy to attain. Do it today! Someday is not a day of the week. I cannot think of anything that will even come close to giving you a greater return on the time invested. You will literally amaze yourself!
Let’s go back to the subject of bull selection…
Since the bulls you purchase are responsible for at least 90% of your herd improvement (or deterioration), it makes sense that bull selection can play an extremely important part in helping you meet your goals. Are you purchasing bulls that will help you achieve your business goals? Are you purchasing bulls that will increase your future success and happiness? Are you purchasing bulls with the next generation in mind?