We have four boxes of sale catalogs at PCC Headquarters. In addition to cataloging 400 grass-developed Solar Bulls for our two fall bull sales, this catalog contains over 10 pages of common-sense information that you won’t find anywhere else. If you are interested in learning more about the New Frontier in Beef Production, we would be glad to send you a catalog.
Our program has always been focused on helping you make your business as profitable, enjoyable and sustainable as possible. We want to help you increase your pounds and profit per acre. Our low-maintenance bulls are an important part of our program – but not the only part. There is a reason our customers are the most profitable cow-calf producers in the world.
Our Nebraska Sale will take place in Valentine, NE, on October 27th – just over two weeks away. Our Colorado Sale will take place in Burlington, CO, on November 5th – just over three weeks away. If you would like to receive a catalog for our fall bull sales, call us at 800-311-0995 or send your request to Bulls@PharoCattle.com.