I just thumbed through the latest DROVERS magazine. It seems that the latest hot topic within the status quo beef industry is parasite control – with an emphasis on deworming. There was one article on deworming and many advertisements for drugs and chemicals that are supposed to keep your cattle healthy. In truth, however, the use of drugs and chemicals does nothing but create more and more drug-addicted cattle. Today’s status quo cattle cannot live without their drugs. No one gains except the big pharmaceutical companies.
I saw a quote in the deworming article that I thought was worth sharing. Tom Craig, retired Texas A&M veterinarian, said, “Twenty percent of the herd will have 80% of the worms.” If that statement is true, and I have no reason to think it is not, then I want you to consider how quick and easy it would be to totally eliminate the need for chemical dewormers. The big pharmaceutical companies would love that, wouldn’t they? STOP treating your cattle for parasites – and get rid of the drug addicts. This will allow your cattle to develop a higher and higher level of genetic parasite resistance.
Most of our PCC cowherds have gone two decades without any chemical treatments for parasite. We have cooperative cowherds in a variety of environments from Minnesota to hot, humid, fescue country in Missouri and Mississippi and all the way to the high-plains desert. We also have cooperative herds from the southern plains of Texas all the way to the northern plains of Montana and North Dakota. NO ONE has as much bred-in parasite resistance as Pharo Cattle Company – because no one else has ever tried to select for genetic parasite resistance.
Quote Worth Re-Quoting –
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” ~ Albert Einstein