Several weeks ago, someone in the PCC Discussion Group shared an article on Complexity Bias. It was difficult to read – but I found it very interesting. The following is a quote from the article.
“Faced with two competing hypotheses, we are likely to choose the most complex one. As a result, when we need to solve a problem, we often ignore simple solutions – thinking “that will never work” – and instead favor complex ones.”
This is exactly what many cow-calf producers do. Most of the concepts I discuss in my presentations, as well as in our PCC Updates and Newsletters are simple, common-sense solutions to many of the problems cow-calf producers face. Even though these concepts have all been proven to work, most producers are reluctant to even consider them. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard someone say, “That will never work here,” I would have a truckload of nickels.
Don’t be too quick to blow off simple solutions, saying, “That will never work here.” Chances are, they will work for you. Consider, for example, the Ten Steps to Double Your Profits. Do these steps make sense to you? Is there anything complex or complicated about them? I think you will discover there is nothing difficult about taking these steps other than they involve change. Please don’t allow the fear of change to keep you from being all you can be.
Those who have taken these ten steps are among the most profitable cow-calf producers in the world. In addition to being two to four times more profitable than their neighbors, they have substantially increased their overall enjoyment and improved their lifestyle. Consequently, they have an operation that the next generation is anxious and excited to become a part of. Agriculture that is not both Profita-Bull and Enjoya-BULL will never be Sustaina-BULL!
Opportunities Abound… We still believe there will be more opportunities for you and your family to advance in the next five to ten years than there have been in the last 30 years – but only if you are willing to break away from the status quo, herd-mentality way of thinking. You must NOT allow yourself to be a victim of Complexity Bias. Keep everything as simple, and as fun, and as profitable as possible.
Quote Worth Re-Quoting –
“Life is really simple – but we insist on making it complicated.” ~ Confucius