Calving season has begun here at PCC.  Our due date this year is May 14th, but with the calving ease (short-gestation) bred into our herd, our first calf came on May 4th.  In all likelihood, our cows will be 25% done calving by the due date. 


As I was going through my mental checklist of things to do before we started calving, I realized that I really don’t have much to do.  I take care of the water and mineral and keep them moving to fresh pasture – they take care of everything else.  For the commercial rancher, that’s all there is to it; let the cows do all the work.  


However, being a seedstock producer, there are a few additional things we take very seriously at calving time.  Recordkeeping at birth is very important in this business.  I weigh and tag every calf that is born on our ranch, but that isn’t all.  Every cow is given a score for Body Condition, Udder Conformation, Maternal Instinct and Disposition on the day she calves.


Remember, though, timing when tagging a new calf is critical.  I will never mess with brand new babies.  It’s best to leave them completely alone for several hours.   There is a natural bonding process they need to go through without interruption.  Besides, I don’t really like getting my pants dirty! 


In next week’s PCC Update, I will discuss the four traits that we score for in more detail.

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