Most people don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because they never keep them.   They view them as a waste of time.   On top of that, it is discouraging and depressing when they realize they failed to keep the resolutions they made.

However, some people have a very good track record with goals and resolutions.   They view resolutions as a tool to create their future.   These are people who seem to accomplish more in one year than most of people accomplish in 10 years.   What is the key to their success?

The following suggestions come from Franklin Covey – the time management people.   They say resolutions begin with the end in mind.

  1. Consider writing a personal mission statement before you make your resolutions.   It’s easier to keep resolutions when you’re headed in a direction you really want to go.
  2. Choose resolutions based on things you can control rather than resolutions that depend on factors beyond your control.
  3. Record your resolutions and share them with someone who cares about you.   Reporting your progress regularly to someone else, as well as yourself, will help you stay on target.
  4. Picture yourself living the resolutions you make.   Believe in yourself.   Think about the behaviors you will change to overcome the challenges you’ll face.   Once you have created a clear mental vision of the new you, the physical reality is easier to achieve.
  5. Set deadlines for yourself that help you measure your progress, and write the deadlines down.   We respond better when we have a specific deadline to meet.
  6. Spend 20 to 30 minutes at the beginning of each week to block out time for your most important goals.


Quote Worth Re-Quoting –

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”   ~ Peter Drucker

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