Have you noticed that the most successful (and happy) people throughout history have been those who made decisions that were based on the future? It’s true! Successful people know that nothing stays the same. The present is different from the past – and the future will be different from the present. Those who make decisions that are based on the future will always have a HUGE competitive advantage over those who continue to make decisions based on the past and/or the present.
Unfortunately, nearly all people (from all walks of life) are afraid to make decisions that are based on anything but the past or the present. It has always been that way, and it will probably always be that way. Even though they can see things transforming before their very eyes, they are reluctant to make any changes in what they are doing. It is as though they would rather fail doing what they have always done than succeed if success requires change. That is a shame – but it gives you the opportunity to move your family and your family’s business to a very sought after position.
Most of us are in the business of beef production at the cow-calf level. What does the future of our business look like? Are calf prices going up or down? Is the cost of inputs going up or down? We all know cattle prices are on their way down – and they won’t stop falling until they hit bottom. We also know the cost of producing a calf, at least for status quo producers, has doubled in just the last 15 years. That is a deadly combination! The time will soon come when most cow-calf producers won’t have enough income to cover their expenses.
Based on what we know about the future, what kind of management and genetic decisions should we be making? Should we pretend cattle prices are not going down and that expenses are not going up – or should we make the necessary changes to keep our business profitable and enjoyable in the future? Our kids and grandkids are hoping we make decisions that are based on the future. If you have not already started transitioning to an ultra-low-input program with efficient, low-maintenance cows, NOW is the best time to get started. He who hesitates may lose all he has!
Enjoyment is the Key!!! I have found that when i make management decisions that improve enjoyment, profitability seems to follow!!!